Amy M. Brausch, Ph.D

Dr. Amy Brausch is a Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Western Kentucky University and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. She earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Northern Illinois University and has worked with issues of suicide and self- injury in adolescents and adults in both her clinical work and research program. Dr. Brausch’s clinical experiences have included community mental health, public schools, university counseling centers, residential eating disorders treatment, and private practice. She previously maintained a small private practice for therapy and psychological testing. She has published numerous articles and book chapters related to suicide and self-injury risk and protective factors in adolescents and young adults, as well as the overlap between self-harm and issues of body image and disordered eating. She is currently a Senior Consultant with CAMS- Care and provides training and consultation to clinicians across the United States and abroad in the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality treatment framework. Dr. Brausch’s research has been funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Kentucky IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. She is an Associate Editor for Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, and on the editorial boards for the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Archives of Suicide Research, and Adolescent Research Review.

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